Thursday, January 12, 2012

Eric Foner Chapter 12 Review

  • Explore why Americans had an impulse to improve American society in the first half of the nineteenth century.
Freedom and independence were not fully defined, and thus created protests and uprisings to protect freedom and liberty. Women, slaves, and other individuals were not respected. Organizations sprouted to abolish the practice of slavery or restriction of others' rights, and were taken into consideration as they traveled in trade routes to their ultimate destinations.
  • Explain the significance of the abolitionist movement to the idea of American freedom.
The abolitionist movements hold the idea of removing any form of slavery. The abolitionist movements helped redefine American freedom, which in turn would spark abolitionist-inspired movements.
  • Analyze the pros and cons of the colonization movement and why many blacks were opposed to it.
The colonization movement, was a movement where Africans and African-Americans were encouraged to migrate back to their real homes. It would positively remove slavery, and promote safety for the "white" and "black" races. If slavery were to be removed, however, the agriculture would drastically change and affect the economy of the States. It would also increase hostility between the "white" and "black" races.
  • Why was this a period of institution building?
Americans wanted to make their country strong with Women's' rights and removal of slavery in hand. The government would increase its capacities, expand, and reform organizations and/or movements.
  • How did the abolitionist movement and the women's movement influence each other?
  The abolitionist movement and women's movement encouraged each other to fight for American freedom. Members of both movements cooperated, and the argument of both issues raised awareness over the lack of freedom or independence in most "American" inhabitants.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Eric Foner Chapter 11 Review

  • Explain how important slavery was to the national economy and the emergence of the United States as a great power?

Slaves worked in cotton plantations, and cotton became greater than sugar when it came to crops. The more slaves there were, the more cotton there was, and the more cotton was bought by other countries. This would increase the United States' economy and make it succeed into a great power worldwide.

  • Describe slave culture, explaining the similarities and differences among various regions.

Most slaves came from Africa, and it is the place where their religion, and most notably music, emerged. The medicine they provided to their people came naturally, and was known only amongst each of the slaves.

  • Why did many white southerners support slavery even when they did not actually own any slaves?

Even though white southerners did not own any slaves, they heavily relied on them because their goal was freedom and the strengthening of their economy. Without the slaves, they were nothing!

  • What meanings of freedom were most important to the slaves?

The slaves that were now freed were restricted from nearly everything and everything. They hoped for the right to vote, to own property, or a right that would truly present their freedom in the country.

  • What forms of slave resistance were practiced in the American South?

Slave resistance was a form of rebellion. Slaves would tend to deplete or destroy the property of their owners such as plantation products. Slaves were able to rebel physically, if not, violently. Nat Turner’s Rebellion is notable for the slaves killing their masters or oppressors. The overpowering of the Amistad's crew was another rebellion.

Eric Foner Chapter 10 Review

  • How did John Quincy Adams envision the United States becoming the “freest and mightiest nation in the world”? 
John Quincy Adams had told legislation to promote anything that would involve harvest for the market such as commerce agriculture, and mechanical and elegant arts that would make the nation strong.     

  • How did democrats and Whigs differ in their understanding of American freedom and its relationship to governmental power?
Whigs believed that the federal government could guide economic development with protective tariffs, a nation-wide bank, and the aid to internal improvements, while the democrats believed that the government shouldn't award special favors to "entrenched economic interest" and that they should adopt a "hand-off attitude" towards the economy.
  • What were the main arguments for and against Indian removal?
The main argument for Indian removal is the labeling of Indians as hostile whenever they wanted to reclaim their land, and the "argument against Indian removal" is that the Court was only occupying land and not owning it.
  • How did the Missouri Compromise and the nullification crisis demonstrate increasing sectional differences in antebellum America?
Missouri would have ruined the balance of 11:11 free and slave states if it were to join Union in its condition of a slave state. Maine was turned into a free state, and it made greater controversy with the nullification of the series of tariffs that were imposed by Congress. Although it was nullified, taxes were still being collected by Andrew Jackson.

Eric Foner Chapter 9 Review

  • What were the major social effects of the market revolution?
The market revolution enabled Americans to transport goods and possibly, items used for communication throughout the new transportation technology and low costs that helped. Slaves were able to communicate, and thus were transported because slavery was not yet fully abolished. Product consumption evolved and it became easier to reach markets and deliver important information.
  • How did ideas of American freedom change in this period?
The world began to notice that American freedom was enjoyed better than any country. The white "colored" inhabitants of the United States were believed to soon develop the idea that they were a unique species from the human race. This period was the greatest foreshadowing of women's rights soon to become and the unity of races .
  • What revolutionary changed did American slavery undergo in this period?
Slaves and freed slaves were discriminated, especially by the Southerners whom some are still racist today. Slaves were still transported and Marquis de Lafayette had freed slaves and written about his opposition to slavery, but was not able to be honored because the people of "color" were restricted from going near the ceremonies or locations of the honoring.
  • What role did immigration play in the market revolution?
Americans were opposed to the immigration into "their" country. A limit was placed to allow a minimum amount of immigrants into the United States by the effects of the rebellions held by greedy Americans. To the Americans, immigrants were an annoyance, or in other words, flies and parasites.
  • The Second Great Awakening both took advantage of the market revolution and criticized its excesses. Explain this statement.
The once who crated the Second Great Awakening raised funds for themselves by taking advantage of it. It is merely a paradox created amongst themselves because they were opposed, but would not resist the market.

Princeton Review Chapter 10

The shift in presidential elections began in 1824 when John Quincy Adams progressed to his presidency. The congressional caucuses chose the party's nominee that would lead to the next president during the election of 1824. However, when the Democratic-Republican caucus chose the nominee William H. Crawford, John Quincy Adams, Henry Clay, Andrew Jackson, and many other nominees challenged the nomination, and resulted in the demise of the caucus system because it was accused of being "undemocratic". John Quincy Adams was given victory but then it was removed when the Speaker of the House of Clay did not support him due to his "corrupt bargain", as quoted by the opponents of the caucus system and the Speaker's choice.

After Adam's presidency, Andrew Jackson assembled a network with people to assure that he would receive wide population for his campaign. The Democratic party we have today results in the rallying of political organizations, newspaper publishers, and community leaders. The war between Jackson and Adams soon flared when Jackson accused Adams of being a "corrupt career politician" while Adams shot back by releasing the Coffin Handbill, which accused Jackson of murdering his men that were enlisted during the Indian Wars. During the Jacksonian democracy, the benefits to the government were coming from the universal white manhood suffrage, which is the extension of voting rights to all white males, even if they did not own property or had their limits.

Jackson's policy has not received more criticism by modern scholars than his treatment to the Cherokees by passing the Indian Removal Act through Congress in 1830. The Indians were still treated the same and no treaties were made, especially in the aftermath of the French and Indian War.

President Andrew Jackson was focused on nullification, which is the right of individual states to disobey federal laws that are found unconstitutional. The judicial review is a review of legislative and executive actions. Americans began rebelling against the Tariff of 1828, but Jackson believed in the states' rights and decided to send troops to thwart the rebels. Jackson vetoed the Second Bank of the United States, and eventually caused the Panic of 1837.